Philips Speechlive Cloud -Based Dictation Software

Transform your thoughts into text effortlessly with our speech-to-text tool

Instant transcripts

Convert your words to transcripts automatically using speech recognition

Up to 7 × faster than typing

Save time by speaking instead of typing

Real time or file upload

Transcribe as you speak or upload audio files for automated transcription


Speech to text wherever you need it

Speech To Text Wherever You Need It

Affordable and accurate

Philips SpeechLive speech to text is our most affordable speech recognition option without compromising on quality.

In the office and on the go

In the office and on the go

Use our Windows app to use speech to text in any desktop software or our smartphone app to record on the go.

Works with any software

Works with any software

SpeechLive speech recognition works in any sofware, like Microsoft Word, Outlook or any CRM and EMR.

Multilingual capabilities

Multilingual capabilities

Transcribe text in up to 22 languages and variants with SpeechLive's recognition technology.

Fast turnaround time

Fast turnaround time

Convert your voice to text either in real time or within minutes when you use pre-recorded audio files.

Up to 95% accuracy

Up to 95% accuracy

Get highly accurate results through our advanced speech recognition software.

Voice command

Voice command

Use voice commands to insert paragraphs, punctuation marks and special characters.​

Speech-to-text add-on

Add speech recognition to your SpeechLive subscription $15.90/mo per user, excl. taxes

Speech-to-text add-on

Philips SpeechLive Pro subscription along with speech-to-text add-on offers you enhanced features and allows you to upload finished recordings and create a speech-recognized text for correction. Use the SpeechLive desktop app for Windows to dictate into any program on your PC – for example to create emails with your voice instead of typing. Furthermore, you can simply record your notes and have the audio file routed automatically to an assistant to finalize the document. Transcriptionists can also use speech recognition to convert recordings to text automatically which then only requires review and minor corrections.

English (US, UK and Australia), French (France and Canada), Afrikaans, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish

Available for SpeechLive Pro and SpeechLive Enterprise

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